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Methods and Construction


The device will be manufactured in the Central Washington University machine shop or the
wood shop. Some of parts are going to be used in this project such as electric motors and Lego
gears to transfer the drive gear from a motor to suit our purposes in the best way possible. The
main purpose of the gears is to transfer the torque from the electric motor to a larger speed. The
driver gear will be attached to an electric motor and follower gear will be attached with a plastic
tire to launch the paper airplane. The base is going to be made of wood for strength.



Discussion of assembly, sub-assemblies:

Most of the parts listed above were available from energy system lab 411. Some gears with a specific number of teeth will be order online from Amazon. The two motors with a rotationalspeed of 170 rpm will be order from Lego store. Finally, the base might be designed in the machine shop. (See Appendix B for more Details). Due to the low speed of the rpm when using Lego motors and gears, as a group we decided to use electric motor connecting with a battery to
power the motor. This alternative solution costs more money but it will work better.

(Pictures above show the parts list and labels)


Construction Steps:
1-The T section were cut into the desirable     
2-The housing motors were cut in the machine  
3-Fastening the housing motors and the T section 
   to the frame.
4-Attach the tires to both motors.
5-Aligned both tires on the frame.
6-Wiring the electric motors with the batteries.
7-Making a plane and launch it.


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